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166 Mrugi Mudra Sumitra

A reference school

What is Yoga?

Yoga consists of a combination of physical and mental exercises, which develop suppleness and increase force and stamina. Its practice is beneficial, not only for body but also for the mind. It helps reduce mental dispersions and provides a better control over emotions.

Where does Yoga come from?  

This very ancient knowledge, which originated in India, has survived and descended through the centuries thanks to oral tradition, which has ensured its faithful transmission.

Does one have to go to India to learn it?

No, not necessarily. The Yogakshemam School offers teaching that is unique in its kind in Europe. Moreover, it ensures the training of yoga teachers whilst respecting Indian tradition, by teaching yoga in its original form, that is, by oral transmission.

Qu'est-ce que Yogakshemam ? 

Yogakshemam was founded in 1982 by Sri T.K. Sribhashyam in order to continue transmitting the traditional teaching in Europe, the knowledge that he had received from his father Sri T. Krishnamacharya. Born in Muchukunte (southern India) in 1888, a direct descendant of Nathamuni, a yogi of the 9th century, Sri T. Krishnamacharya was driven throughout his life by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Sri T. Krishnamacharya was a renowned practitioner of Ayurveda (Indian medical science) and Yoga. He was recognized as one of the great yogis of the 20th century and he received the highest distinctions in all branches of Indian philosophy. In 2001 Sri T.K. Sribhashyam united a highly trained pedagogical team, which consists of a select group of diploma holders from the school. The aim is to ensure the continuity and transmission of his teachings in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Why choose Yogakshemam?

Only a few Indian Masters living in Europe continue to teach the traditional way while respecting our cultural values. It is indeed a privilege in itself to have access to such a teaching.

What makes Yogakshemam School so different?  

Yogakshemam applies a holistic approach to the teaching of Yoga that underlines the importance of Yoga for each of us, and to what extent the benefits accrued by the person who practices regularly go beyond simple relaxation or stress relief.

What will I learn?

The training program of Yogakshemam imparts an in-depth knowledge of Yoga: postures, breathing exercises (asana and prânâyâma) and concentrations (dhârana). It includes a significant branch relating to Indian Philosophy: references to ancient texts and their application in daily life of our modern times. The syllabus also includes courses in physiology, general pathologies and the impact of yoga on the latter. It introduces the fundamentals of Indian medicine (Ayurveda): nutrition and the impact of food and diet on the body. It is completed by important notions of Indian culture and psychology.

Who is this program intended for?

The program is accessible to anyone wishing to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Yoga. This includes beginners, practitioners and teachers.

What will this training course give me? 

The knowledge and the comprehension of Yoga that is necessary to help you improve your own practice. If you are teaching, it will help you to adapt your Yoga courses to the specific personal needs of your students, thus enabling you to respond more effectively to their requirements while improving their physical and mental well-being.

When can I teach?

If you have never taught, from the second year, as a trainee student, with the support of the Yogakshemam teaching team.

Tapius de yoga

A program

Le programme

Yogakshemam school classes are free from all dogma and religion.Yogakshemam School, respects the basic European curriculum for yoga training courses.

Philosophy of India

A. General Studies

  • Vedic deities

  • Philosophical thoughts of Veda and Upanishad

  • The Darshana (Mimamsa, Vedanta, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Buddha and Charuvaka).

B. Specific studies

  • Bruhadaranyaka Upanishad or Chandogya Upanishad

  • The Bhagavad Gita

C. Detailed studies

  • The Darshana (Samkhya)

  • Yoga Darshana (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali): The Yoga Philosophy

A. General Studies

  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhitha, Shiva Samhitha. Upanishad of Yoga

  • The Different Currents in Yoga Teaching

B. Specific studies

  • Indian psychology (concepts of the body, sleep, dream, memory, birth, death, pleasure, pain, emotion)

  • Theory of Perception according to Yoga

C. Detailed studies

  • Yoga Darshana (Yoga Sutra of Patanjali)

  • Cultural and social context in India

  • Oral tradition and textual tradition in Hinduism. (creation, memorization, transmission of rites and myths)

  • The great rules of Hindu life: the cosmic and human order of the world

Acts and their religious meaning
Life as a debt of gratitude

Ayurveda (Indian Medicine)
A. General Studies

  • Concepts of Mahâbhuta, Pâka, Vipâka, Tridosha and the 7 Dhatu

B. Specific studies

  • Applications of the Principles of Ayurveda in Practice.

Physiology and elements of physiopathology
A. General Studies

  • Apparatus for locomotion

  • Large systems

B. Specific studies

  • Changes in practice according to the pathology.

A. Detailed studies

  • Asana, Mudra, Bandha, Prânâyâma and Kumbhaka.

  • Effects, contraindications and specific indications.

  • Structure of a practice session related to Ayurveda.

B. Specific studies

  • Concentration: a progressive approach.

  • Concentration points: effects, goals and applications.


  • Method of progressive approach of Asana, Mudra and Prânâyâma.

  • Technique of approach of the different "elements" of the Yoga teaching according to the profile of Dôsha and Guna of the individual.

  • Teaching classes with directed practical work.

  • Introduction of philosophical concepts into practice.

Study of Western mystical texts

Generalities of Western Psychology


> Practice yoga for at least two years.
> Take a weekly class with a teacher who graduated.
> To be over 18 years old.

Documents required

1. The completed questionnaire (document to download on the site) with the 4-year financing plan (origin of funds reflected and payment frequency)

2. Letter of motivation in 3 parts, specifying
a. your interest in yoga,
b. your training project
c. and the personal time you will reserve for practice and revisions

3. Introductory letter from your yoga teacher (with contact information) providing information about your practice and how you are integrating Yoga into your life

4. An identity photo

5. Medical certificate authorizing the practice of yoga

6. 50 € registration fee (non-refundable), by check, payable to Yogakshemam

A face-to-face or telephone interview will be scheduled (within 30 days of receipt of the application) with a school teacher to validate the registration.

File to be sent to the following email address:


Registration form
for all sessions

Fiche d'inscription, école de yoga
Plaquette école yoga-Suisse

All your training dates

Session 2025 to 2029

Session 2025 to 2029

Session 2025 to 2029

Session 2025 to 2029

Session 2025 to 2029

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